English Learners Parents Advisory Council (ELPAC)

The English Learner Parent Advisory Council is open to parents/guardians of English learners (ELs) in Quincy. The purpose of the ELPAC is to promote and support the success of ELs. ELPACs are intended by law to advise the district and schools regarding matters that impact English learners, including language acquisition programs, educational opportunities for ELs, and improvement plans as they relate to ELs.
What is ELPAC?
A group of parents and guardians of current and former English Learners in Quincy Public Schools who wants to work with school and district leaders to improve the English Learner Education Program. This group meets several times during the school year. The meeting schedule will be put here shortly. The ELPAC Meetings have interpreters available in the following languages: Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
What does ELPAC Do?
Advocates for English Learners in Quincy Public Schools
Guides and informs school leaders
Shares information with other parents of English Learners
​Mihaela Rusu - President
Bang Tran - Information Technician
​If you have any questions or an interest in speaking with other families, please contact the ELPAC on Email: elpacquincypublicschool@gmail.com
Family Liaisons
​Family liaisons serve as the language and cultural bridge between families, schools, and the community. They welcome new bilingual families to Quincy Public Schools, share community resources with bilingual families, connect families, and work on assessing and addressing needs through communication, connection, and collaboration. They will be present at the central registration office to welcome new families. They also can be present at school events and meetings to connect with the school community and families.
Family Liaisons English I Family Liaisons Spanish I Family Liaisons Portuguese I Family Liaison Chinese
Follow ELPAC on
Monthly Newsletter
February newsletter coming soon.
Check out the September Events and activities at Thomas Crane Public Library. This is a great opportunity to meet new families in the community and for the kids to socialize.
Resources and Language Classes
Quincy Asian Resources (QARI) provides classes for ALL immigrants in Quincy. See this list for all the current offerings and/or visit their website to learn more: QuincyAsianResources.org
The Thomas Crane Library in Quincy Center offers FREE conversation and citizenship classes. Learn more at ThomasCraneLibrary.org/Learn-English
The library also offers a web-based language learning program called Transparent.